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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And The Beat Goes On...

So here we are in the 1970's and I am collecting Tyrannosaurus Rex (later T.Rex). My girlfriend bought me three or four of their albums. I was thrilled. I also started listening to Doctor Demento on the radio on KMET. (In case you've never heard of Dr.Demento, he played novelty records on a local FM station for years and finally went national. He still has a show on the web to this day, and he's 70 years old!) I was drawn to Demento because he played music that was fairly old, even for me. Stuff from the 30's and 40's, on 78 rpm records.

And one of my favorite songs from the 1940's is
"Wouldst Could I But Kiss Thy Hand, Oh Babe" Played here in 1940 by "Will Osborne And His Slide Music"
"Doghouse" Dale Jones did the vocal on this recording.
Another song I used to like that Demento played was "It's In The Book" by John Standley.

You might notice that the John ends his performance by singing only the last verse of Grandma's Lye Soap. There are actually two verses which precede the one he sings here.
And then, finally, we have "Life Gits Tee-jus Don't It?" by Carson Robison.
We'll return to our regularly scheduled music next time.

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